
For more information

Auriculotherapy (also auricular therapy, ear acupuncture, and auriculoacupuncture) is a form of alternative medicine based on the idea that the ear is a micro system, which reflects the entire body, represented on the auricle, the outer portion of the ear. Conditions affecting the physical, mental or emotional health of the patient are assumed to be treatable by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively.

Course description

The history of auricular acupuncture, diagnosis on the auricle, data analysis, acupuncture treatment.

Course Objectives

Gaining knowledge in the field of auricular diagnosis, data processing (systemic vision), determining treatment, performing treatment.

The structure of the studies

60 hours, once a week for six months

Graduates of the course are entitled to a certified ear acupuncture practitioner certificate.

Common questions

Following a consultation meeting, a personal curriculum is built for the student and a
registration fee of 1250 nis is paid. It is also possible to register by phone, fill out the
registration form and pay the registration fee. The form is then sent to the candidate by fax
or email so that the candidate can sign the form, a receipt and invoice can be obtained
physically at the college secretariat.

There are evening and morning courses and even lunch courses. At Godelman College, you
will be able to customize a convenient study program tailored to your needs.

In our college, only top-class experts teach. Most of them are PHD, MD and ND.

Additional reading

לימודי NLP לדרגת פרקטישיונר

מה זה NLP? Neuro – זהו החלק הפיסיולוגי, הנוירולוגי – כל מה שקורה בגוף ובמוח. Linguistic – זהו החלק של השפה – המחשבות שלנו, התקשורת שלנו עם אחרים ועם עצמנו.

סדנת עיסוי לנשים בהריון

מכללת גודלמן מקיימת סדנת עיסוי לנשים בהריון. במהלך הסדנה המשתתפים ילמדו טכניקות עיסוי מיוחדות המותאמות לנשים בהריון. עיסוי זה מסייע להקל על תחושת אי הנוחות הנגרמת במהלך ההריון, כגון הפחתת

לימודי תזונה נכונה

Naturopathic Nutrition

Nutrition Curing and preventing disease through good nutrition and herbal medicine today credited a lot of attention from academics and increasing awareness among the general public. Route of nutrition course

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