Bach flower remedies

For more information

Bach’s healing system is designed to treat the person more than the disease, the cause rather than the result.

Simplicity is the key to treatment with Bach flowers, simplicity is the positive solution that Dr. Bach wanted to achieve in the treatment and its effects on the human inner harmony. There are 38 compounds in Bach’s healing system.

They were all discovered in the 1920s and 1930s by Dr. Edward Bach, a bacteriologist, physician and pathologist.

Today doctors agree that 50% -75% of diseases are attributed to stress, and show the link between emotions and heart disease, autoimmune problems, cancer, allergies.

Dr. Bach discovered this about 70 years ago, in his work with his patients, that their emotions contributed to the physical patients. So he created a natural healing method, to restore balance and maintain their well-being.

To experience true health, we need to be in harmony with our body, mind and spirit.

Man cannot be healthy and whole with himself, when he is in conflict, when the mind is full of worry, fear and tension.

Extracts extracted from wildflowers have a positive effect on emotional and mental imbalance, such as: fear, anxiety, anger, insecurity, poor self-awareness, stress and worry, sleep problems, nightmares, failure, test anxiety, ADHD, post-trauma, trauma, sadness, guilt, concentration problems, depression. And also very helpful in major transition periods such as: divorce, death, homesickness, menopause and adulthood.

Common questions

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Additional reading

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