Therapeutic riding instructor

For more information

קורס רכיבה טיפולית


Therapeutic riding uses horse assisted activities to contribute positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being of people with disabilities. Therapeutic riding provides health, education, sports and  leisure benefits. There are millions of people around the world with special needs who experience the rewarding benefits of riding horses. Disability should not limit a person from horseback riding. In fact, the horse’s movement experience can be very therapeutic. Riders with physical disabilities often show an improvement in flexibility, balance and muscle strength. In addition to the therapeutic benefits, horse riding also provides leisure opportunities. We use a unique curriculum to help riders walk, talk, connect, focus, behave and learn – inspiring everyone to live their lives as fully, as productive and independent as possible.  We teach our riders how to care for horses, in addition to riding them.

We teach riding in a cautious and supportive way. A certified instructor leads all riders, and two volunteers walk along both sides of the horse to ensure the safety of the rider. We define personal goals for each rider and patiently work on skills such as speech, socialization and fitness. And, one of our goals is “just pure fun.” Each rider learns a certain amount of riding and horse skills, and some riders have become quite talented.”I can not believe my child can do that!” Is the most common response we hear from parents and teachers watching our riders. This is one of the many ways we know that riding treatments really work.

Therapeutic riding is suitable for both children and adults. In addition, it focuses on the treatment of motor problems, attention and concentration, stress and anxiety. Therapeutic Riding Instructor Course includes academic studies at the college and also practical studies on a professional farm. Studies include Western medicine, medical professional ethics, introduction to psychology, anatomy and pathology. Students undergo practical training and learning of riding at Leon’s Farm and the study is conducted by qualified and experienced instructors.The theoretical classes are taught by experts in their fields. At the end of the semester, the studies will be completed in a theoretical and practical test, and those who complete successfully will be given a certificate of accreditation as a therapeutic riding instructor accepted by each medical institution.


For more details: Godelman College +9728-8663620 // Leon’s Farm +97252-3665391


Common questions

Following a consultation meeting, a personal curriculum is built for the student and a
registration fee of 1250 nis is paid. It is also possible to register by phone, fill out the
registration form and pay the registration fee. The form is then sent to the candidate by fax
or email so that the candidate can sign the form, a receipt and invoice can be obtained
physically at the college secretariat.

There are evening and morning courses and even lunch courses. At Godelman College, you
will be able to customize a convenient study program tailored to your needs.

In our college, only top-class experts teach. Most of them are PHD, MD and ND.

Additional reading

Facial acupuncture

Facial acupuncture (cosmetic) Facial acupuncture is a treatment that focuses on maintaining a young and fresh facial appearance of the skin, in which small and thin acupuncture needles are used

סדנת טיפול באבנים חמות

ביום שישי 08/03/2024 בשעה 9:00 תתקיים סדנת טיפול באבנים חמות מרצה: שמעון גודלמן תינתן תעודה בסיום הסדנא (בהתאם לתקנון) פרטים -088663620


רפלקסולוגיה רפלקסולוגיה הינה שיטה לאבחון וריפוי באמצעות עיסוי מיוחד ומכוון בכף הרגל. מקורה במצרים העתיקה. שיטת הטיפול היא טבעית ונעשית באמצעות עיסוי ולחיצות בכף הרגל בנקודות המשקפות את איברי הגוף

דיקור פנים (קוסמטי)

דיקור פנים (קוסמטי) להסרת קמטים דיקור פנים הינו טיפול המתמקד בשמירה על מראה פנים צעיר ורענן של העור, שבו משתמשים במחטי דיקור קטנות ודקיקות על מנת לשפר ולחדש את מראהו

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