For more information

Godelman College offers you a new and comprehensive course for the treatment of anxiety disorders.

This course is unique in its kind and includes innovative methods and approaches that are designed to treat the anxiety disorder of those who suffer from it and also bring about a significant improvement in their quality of life.

The study is intended for those suffering from general anxiety disorders and panic attacks. During the course, the participants will feel a significant relief in the feeling of anxiety and a significant decrease in the severity of the panic attacks. They will also acquire effective tools that will help them control stressful situations that will serve them for many years and will improve their quality of life as a whole.

Duration of studies – 16 sessions. Each session is taught two lessons.

Common questions

Following a consultation meeting, a personal curriculum is built for the student and a
registration fee of 1250 nis is paid. It is also possible to register by phone, fill out the
registration form and pay the registration fee. The form is then sent to the candidate by fax
or email so that the candidate can sign the form, a receipt and invoice can be obtained
physically at the college secretariat.

There are evening and morning courses and even lunch courses. At Godelman College, you
will be able to customize a convenient study program tailored to your needs.

In our college, only top-class experts teach. Most of them are PHD, MD and ND.

Additional reading


The aim of the studies is to deepen the knowledge about the relationship between the repressed emotions system, which creates energetic blockages, which are expressed in stress, pain, negative emotional

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